Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2016

E visa hong kong

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, HKSAR, has a visa policy that grants visitors from nearly 1countries and territories visa -free entry for short-term periods that range from to 1days. Als Ber Hong Kongs benötigen Sie einen Reisepass, dieser muss mindestens einen Kalendermonat ab dem Tag der Ausreise aus Hong Kong gültig sein. Bei Staatenlosen muss der Pass ab dem Tag der Ausreise aus Hong Kong noch zwei Kalendermonate gültig sein. Nach dem strengen Waffenrecht ist u. Einfuhr, der Besitz oder die Verwendung von Elektroschockpistolen und Impulswaffen in Hong Kong streng verboten und wird mit Geldstrafen in Höhe.

Taiwanese citizens can get e - visa for travelling to Hong Kong as tourist.

The stay is usually Short stay with a period of days and visa expires in 1days. Applicant is not required to be present when applying for visa and a total of document is required. You can also find useful tips from fellow travellers. Do I Need a Visa for New Zealand from Hong Kong ? Whether you need a visa for New Zealand from Hong Kong depends on your purpose for visiting and the length of your stay.

Für die Einreise nach Hong Kong braucht man kein Visum, wenn man Staatsbürger der Europäischen Union (EU) sowie der Schweiz, Norwegens oder Islands ist. Find out if you can visit Hong Kong visa -free. Travel to Hong Kong for Days.

Der CHECKKreditkarte Vergleich.

Jetzt günstige Kreditkarte finden! Die meisten Ber brauchen für ihren Hong Kong Urlaub kein Hong Kong Visa. Finally, confirm if transit visa is required for any connections. Weitere Auskunft geben Botschaft und Konsulat.

Check with your airline in case you have connecting flights overseas as part of your journey to Hong Kong. It may be the case that countries you pass through en route to your destination may require a separate transit visa. Please refer to visa requirements of the specific country. Visa Kingdom of Cambodia (Official Government Website).

Price: USD per eVisa certificate. Apply for a Single entry Tourist visa and pay securely online. The other type of electronic visa is the India business visa for Hong Kong citizens, which is also a double-entry visa valid for year, and supports longer stays of 1consecutive days. The electronic tourist visa programme is eligible for those travelling for leisure on Hong Kong passports as well as passports from a wide range of other countries including the U. Indian citizens can get e - visa for travelling to Hong Kong as tourist. The Indian consulate in Hong Kong has a list on its website.

Nationals of Albania, Armenia, Cambodia, etc. Consulate General in Hong Kong are handled on an appointment basis only. All visa interviews at the U. Individuals seeking general information about U. Complete your Hong Kong PAR Online Application.

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